About The Next Leap

The Podcast

The Next Leap is a weekly interview show featuring thought leaders from university innovation ecosystems around the world. These experts – such as tech transfer practitioners, investors, founders, and lawyers – share best practices around commercialising research, turning inventions into real-world applications. The show was created and is hosted by Thierry Heles.

The Host

Thierry Heles

Thierry Heles is a consultant who provides media and data research services to technology transfer offices, innovation units and university venture funds globally.

He has been working in the university innovation space since 2014 and has spoken at industry-leading conferences such as AI@Oxford at the University of Oxford, London IP Week and the GCV Symposium.

His research has helped shape policy decisions and his work has been cited in influential reports like the UK government’s Spinout Review and venture capital firm Atomico’s State of European Tech, as well as in respected publications like the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal and fDi Intelligence.

He was editor of Global University Venturing for ten years until April 2024 and then editor-at-large until January 2025.

If you have a project that would benefit from Thierry’s expertise, you can connect on LinkedIn or email him at thierry (at) thenextleap.is.


The Next Leap cover art is by Jenna Clark of Queer Design Co.

The music is by Alex White of Arpeggio Creative.

The production supervisor is Roxie, the best dog in the world.